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Wateen Connector v2 – For Wateen Telecom Consumers

Wateen Connector is one of my projects that got me interested in Visual Studio .NET – some of the team members at CyberPK helped and contributed to this small utility.

I actually made this on a request from a CyberPK’s Loyal and Regular user, I didn’t thought that other users would be experiencing the same problem like him, Until i recently fell into it myself. It sure is annoying, having to keep logging in to your Wateen WiMAX account – so Wateen Connector was created. Wateen Connector is Exclusively made for Wateen WiMAX users.

About Pakistan’s Wateen Telecom

Wateen Telecom is a Internet Service Provider in Pakistan, its a new venture of Warid Telcom – Wateen Telecom established one of the largest country-wide WiMAX Network in the world.

Wateen Connector lets you log into your Wateen Services as you usually do. The extra features that you get is that Wateen Connector allows you to Monitor your internet connection and if it goes down it will let you know about it, And will ask if you like to keep monitoring it. If you set monitoring on you will be notified as soon as you disconnect or get connected – Wateen Connector also has a Auto-Login feature that logs you into your Wateen Account easily and effort-lessly!.

Wateen Connector now lets you chat with other Wateen users using the chat services implemented on our website. One of the useful features that we added was the ability to view your bandwidth usage from the application.

For complete detail and information visit Wateen Connector’s Homepage.

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • JB August 6, 2009, 12:58 am

    Looks like a great piece of software. I am currently looking for something similar to this for Linux (Ubuntu). Do you know of any such existing software. If not, would it be possible for you to provide me with the source code for this, so that I could study how its done and perhaps make a clone for Linux as well?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Azar August 6, 2009, 4:46 pm

    thanx i was looking for something like this for a long long time.

    it works flaw-lessly but i had to install Microsoft .Net framework for it to work.

    tested on vista too and working 🙂

  • adnan March 13, 2010, 2:35 pm

    I am a Sales Executive from WATEEN.
    If anyone wants a WATEEN connection please do call me on this number..
    0303 4285967
    free delivery any where in lahore

  • khurram October 18, 2010, 4:37 pm

    Hello, all
    i just want to warn you all, dat plz dont buy any thing from this guy, adnan, who is giving his number above in comments, he is just a fraud, a lier,
    there is no , 15 days money back guarantee from wateen, this guy claims every where that wateen will return all the initial amount which was 3100 in my case,
    there were no good signals, but thus guy said me, that u check this for 15 days, at any time, u want to return the device, u will get full amount back,
    but when the 2nd day, when i wished to returned device, that guy just kept me telling stories, dat m coming in 1 day,today, tomorrow,in 2 mins, etc,but never came
    and when disappointly i went to wateen frunchise, i came to knw dat wateen has no such policy,
    once the account is activated,there is no money back thing,
    and this guy just told lie to me, just to make his sales commission,
    and i returned device now, with half price, and with 10 days tension juzt because of this guys cheat,
    stay warned,
    His name is adnan mirza
    and his number is 0303-4285967

  • Farhan April 11, 2011, 7:00 pm

    Hi , i want know that what is the price of outdoor device called wave 2, one of my friend having that device and getting very high internet speed please tell me the package 1 MB unlimited.

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